Friday, November 27, 2015


 Cowlick short-sleeve sweater (option 1| option 2)
Primark floral pointed flats (similar 1| similar 2|similar 3)

Popping in to say hi to everyone! Today is OSCE day (Objective structural Clinical Examinations) - which means that we are being tested on professionalism and our basic knowledge of clinical anatomy. I've got one more week of classes and then finals! Eek! Can't believe we're at the end already!

Anyhoo, outfit is from last week when I didn't particularly feel very creative with my professional outfit. But my shoes are still cute, right?

Hope this week has been going well and a special Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends and family! We celebrated a combined American-Canadian Thanksgiving on November 1st, so I feel a bit detached from the holidays this year... hopefully someone save me a good leftover Thanksgiving sandwich?

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