Saturday, December 12, 2015

Links for Lunch || Finals Week

Canals in Amsterdam 
 This week was such a rollercoaster, but I'm finally done with final exams. Awaiting on one final grade before I can celebrate, so for now, I'll make it up to you and provide you with some cool links!

Interesting article about HIV then and now

This makes me want to become a pediatrician, he seems to love his job and the kids. Truly inspiring!

I have a giant sauce pan, and the eggs always go everywhere. This neat little trick solves the problem of frying eggs!

I think these shoes would be super warm and comfy for cold British days.

Finally, this video shows the beauty of mixing nature, art, and science.


  1. Congrats on being done with exams! I will feel a sigh of relief when I'm done with all my grading!

    1. Thanks Kate! Hope grading isn't too bad this semester. Teachers are some of the coolest folks around and they are often underappreciated. Keep up the good work girlie!
