Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Halfway through

I can't believe I've actually kept up with this challenge. Halfway there! That means we've done 119 push-ups so far! That's INSANE! You guys should be super proud of yourselves, because I know I am. One of my coworkers has asked me to add a little more, so whenever I have extra time I try the following: 2 minutes of sit-ups. Start the clock and do as many as you can, if you need to take a break do it, and then continue. Continue until the 2 minutes are up on the first day. On the second day, do 5 extra sit-ups after 2 minutes. On the 3rd day, do 10 extra. Then rest on the next day and start over. Starts to hurt the first few days, but it gets easier. And you feel like you get more sit-ups in within that 2-minute period.

Here's a little motivation to keep going:

-A song that gets your anger out and pumps you up
-Words of encouragement



  1. That's awesome! Congratulations to sticking with it AND starting another challenge! This is a great way to keep motivated.

    1. Thanks Reshma! This month is abs, I know I gotta put a post together soon... eeek I'm so behind :(
