Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Links for Lunch || But first, coffee

Morning views

An N.Y.U. Study Gone Wrong, and a Top Researcher Dismissed
Every once in a while, researchers can have the best intentions with clinical trials, but if the care and safety of the patient as a human being is not the top priority, the perception of the research and medical field takes a hit with the community. I find that to be an important factor in entering the medical profession: in order to be given permission to care for patients, you need to gain the respect of the community. Studies like these create distrust between medical professionals and the public, and ultimately causing set backs in medical innovation and research.

Researchers Uncover Long-Lost Tunnel Used By Jews To Escape Extermination Pits
In my Behavioral Sciences class, my professor wisely stated perseverance is born when an obstacle exists. This story truly shows human perseverance in times of turmoil. Although this is an example in the past, it is unfortunate that it is still happening today in other parts of the world.

The last few doctors still in Aleppo sent a letter to Obama pleading for help
Brave souls, brave doctors. Reading the letter made me cry, to have such dedication in such turmoil. How can we help them out?

Ted Talk - A doctor's touch
Dr. Verghese talks about Sherlock Holmes in the first few monites of his talk - he got me hooked from the beginning. The entire video is highly recommended for anyone interested in getting into the medical field in the near future!

‘America’s other drug problem’: Giving the elderly too many prescriptions 
Again, for anyone interested in entering the medical field this is a MUST READ! The sad reality of medicine and the elderly.

Olympians in Hijab and Bikini
And now, something completely unrelated to science. The juxtaposition is beautiful, this needs to happen more often.

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