Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Links for Lunch || A cup of positivitea

Cutest little Tea Cozies in a Tea shop in London, England

When engineering and medicine collide 
This is so freaking cool, and hopefully it works. It's not as invasive as deep brain stimulation so for those that are afraid of brain surgery, it'd be a great temporary fix. 

When doctors need sleep 
Sometimes you just need a surface... any surface to sleep on. And doctors can't be criticized for where they choose to sleep when they live at the hospital.

Deserted Doctor's Mansion in Germany
There's something about looking at the past, untouched, that is both sad and beautiful at the same time. Imagining someone had to leave everything behind without looking back is unfathomable, and how often can we see the aftermath of the deserted?

The Perils of being manly in medicine 
I've read a lot of articles about women in medicine, so this was an interesting article about men in medicine. 

The Go to the ER mentality of American Medicine
As an EMT/medic, I have seen the abuse of the ER way too often. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees this and this article does a great job of explaining the issues that drains the hospital's resources and money. There needs to be a fix, and it needs to happen soon!

And finally, just for fun: Dancing Hair Cells

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