Thursday, January 7, 2016

Last professional outfit of the semester!

I am currently having one of the laziest vacations ever, and I love it. When all I did was sit on my ass and study for most of the days for the last 5 months, being able to stay in bed and watch Netflix or go hiking everyday is absolutely welcomed. Coming back to blogging, I've realized I had one more professional outfit to share.


I've bought a few new items and am bringing back some things to England that have stayed in my closet in the U.S. I hope to improve my style, especially when it comes to accessorizing with jewelry. I just can't bring myself to wear other necklaces or even rings. Maybe earrings... 

I am quite pleased with myself in terms of my make up. I make it an effort to put on some blush, eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. I still have no clue how foundation is supposed to be applied, so this might be something I'll have to work on.

Is there anything that you'd like to improve on this semester? Do you have any advice for me?


  1. Yay, polka dot cardigans are the best! Yours is such a lovely color. I also feel you with the jewelry thing...I tried on three necklaces this morning and none of them was quite right for what I was wearing so I finally just picked one haha.
